
Bardzo prosze o przetlumaczenie tego listu.A jesli ktos chce mi pomoc i przetlumaczyc w translatorze to niech sie za to nie zabiera.Z gory dziekuje za pomoc a oto list. Dear... Wiem,że jestes w szpitalu.bardzo mi przykro z tego powodu.czy poprawil sie stan Twojego zdrowia? Brakuje nam Ciebie w szkole ,poniewaz zawsze opowiadales ciekawe historie i mozna bylo z toba porozmawiac na kazdy temat. Od nastepnego tygodnia bedziemy mieli lekcje chemi z innym nauczycielem.Na biologie musisz napisac referat na temat Cukrzycy. Kiedy7 wychodzisz ze szpitala i kiedy wrocisz do szkoly? Zycze Ci szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia. XYZ

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 2

about 15 years ago

I know that you are in szpitalu.bardzo sorry to hear that powodu.czy improved your health? We miss you at school, because they always opowiadales interesting stories, and it was to talk with you about anything and everything. From next week we had a chemistry lesson with another nauczycielem.Na biology must write a paper on Diabetes. When you leave the hospital and when you go back to school? I wish you a speedy recovery.


Seasoned Odpowiedzi: 196 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

I know, that you are in hospital. By that reason very unpleasantly me. State of your health has been corrected? It scants us you in school, as you told curious histories always and it was possible to talk with you on each theme. We will have lessons of chemistry from next week with other teacher. You must write abstract on biology about diabetes. When you leave from hospital will return you but when? I wish it fast convalescing.


Skilled Odpowiedzi: 69 0 people got help

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