
7.1. Staying behind after hours at work (sprawia, że trudno jej)__________________ to establish good relation'ships with her husband at home. 7.2. (Jesli nie każą mi)______________ refill the shelves after closing-time, I will meet you in the pub at 7 o'clock. 7.3. The manager announced that effective from 1 May, overtime pay would double, (co bylo mądrym)___________________ move on his part. 7.4. Usually, Sally 1.(Lubi być chwalona) ____________ by her superiors but when Mike, the chief executive, told her 2.(że podoba się mu jej)________ her lipstick, she blushed. 7.5. Senor Fuentes (powiedział mi, żebym nie)______________ tease the bulls. 7.6. (Nie wolno ci)_________________ reveal your true identity. 7.7. Stop (rzucać się poduszkami)________________ ! It's time to go to bed. 7.8. If (sama tego nie zrobisz)________________ you will always regret it. 7 .9. All the pencils (zostały naostrzone)______________ so that the artist could work without any unnecessary breaks. 7.10. And even (sam John)_________________ agreed that the management's final decision was absurd. 7.11. My car broke down on the motorway, so by the time I arrived my friends (Już wyszli)____________ 7.12. (Nie mam nic przeciwko)________________ you using my spoon, but when it comes to using a toothbrush, I strongly disagree. 7.13. (Sądzi się)____________________ that jealousy was the criminal's major motive. 7.14. This is the manager (O którym mówi się, że się)_________________ a bribe. 7.15. (Nie przyjmę)__________________ their invitation unless they invite my wife as well. 7.16. May unintentionally introduced her sister to a man (O którym mówiło się, że jest)_____ one of the most irresistible womanizers. 7.17. I (żałuję, że się jej oświadczyłeś)_________________ to her. I thought I would become your wife. 7.18. (Nigdy wcześniej nie widziałam)_______________ such a beautiful woman, but that young lady really impressed me. 7.19. It's the first time (kiedy widzę)____________ the Leaning Tower of Piza. 7.20. (Kiedy zmywałam naczynia)_______________ the telephone rang but I couldn't pick it up because my fingers were wet.

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