
5.2. My (pieniądze są_______________________ safe in my account. It can only be accessed by means of a secret password. 5.3. Nowhere else in the world (spotkasz)_____________ pumas at large. 5.4. (Dopiero co przyjechałem, a już)_________________ I was asked to answer some questions at a press conference 5.5. The wooden architecture of the Beskid Śląski (jest warta zobaczenia___________ 5.6. (Dopoki nie posprzątasz_____________________ the mess in your room, you will not be given any pocket money. 5.7. The dim light (utrudniło mi czytanie)________________ for me. 5.8. Jim (oskarżył Mimi o kradzież)________________________ his antique vase. 5.9. (Jedyną osobą, która nie zdała) __________the exam was Betty. 5.10. The man (ktorego obrazy właśnie widziałyśmy)____________ has the annoying habit of saying that women are inferior. 5.11. My aunt always takes her umbrella with her (gdyby zaczęło padać) __________________________ 5.12. Mrs Smith has been working 1.(jako)____ baby-sitter for a long time, but now she can’t stand 2.(zabaw)___________ with children. 5.13. Don’t bother offering help. (Już na pewno skończyli) ________ tiling the floor already. 5.14. Being a baker, I (muszę wstawać)__________ at five o'clock in the morning, whether I like it or not. 5.15. To my surprise, my boyfried turned out to be (najmniej interesującą) _____________ person in the group. 5.16. (Bycie nauczycielem) ______________ brings as much satisfaction as it does problems. 5.17. Employers should respect the fact that everybody 1.(potrzebują)_________ a little rest now and then to forget about 2. (ich) _________ problems. 5.18. (Niewielu) _________ citizens know what democracy is. 5.19. The cook is just 1.(smakuje) _____________ the pasta but I am sure it 2.(smakuje) __________ delicious. 5.20. 1.(Nie mógł być w Bringthon) ________________ if 2.(widziano go, jak wchodził) ________________ a shop in Reading.

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 4

about 15 years ago

meet-spotkasz muszę wstać -must stand up need-potrzebują -a le nie jestem pewna czy dobrze


Rookie Odpowiedzi: 22 0 people got help
about 11 years ago

11 in case it starts raining 12.1 as, 2. playing 13. They surely finished 14. must get up 15. the least interesting 16. Being a teacher 17. 1. needs 2. their 18. Not many albo Only few 19. 1. tasty as 2. tastes 20. He could not be in Bringhton if he was saw a shop in Reading


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 3 0 people got help
about 11 years ago

1 have rob 2 money is 3 will you meet 4hardly had I arrive than 5 is worth 6 as long as you don`t clean-up 7made ridding harder 8 accuse mimi of steal 9 the only person who faild 10 whose we have just saw


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 3 0 people got help
about 11 years ago

1. to have robbed 2. money is 3. you will meet 4. no sooner I had arrived then 5. is worth seeing 6. as long as you don't clean up 7. made my reading difficult 8. accused Mimi of stealing 9. the only person who had failed 10. whose painting we have just seen 11. in case of raining 12. (1) as a (2) playing 13. they must have finished 14. I have to get up 15. the least interesting 16. being a teacher 17. (1) needs (2) their 18. few 19.(1) tasting (2) tastes 20. (1) he couldn't have been in Brighton (2) was seen entering


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 1 0 people got help

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