
6.1. (Nie trzeba było prasować) __________ this pair of trousers. I wanted to throw them away anyway 6.2. You have never been abroad, (czyż nie tak?)_________________ 6.3. February 14 was the last time I saw him alive. (Nie przypominam sobie, żebym rozmawiał) _________________________to him later. 6.4. (Zamiast grać)____________chess all the time you should help your mother from time to time. 6.5. I bought (metalową czerwoną)_______________ night stand at the sales. 6.6. The woman (która ma na sobie)___________ a diament necklace is the Duke’s lover. 6.7. (Matematyka jest)_________________ one of my least favourite subjects. 6.8. It was wrongly believed that translations as well as women cannot be (zarówno piękne, jak i wierne)________________ 6.9. After what he had done to our relationship I tried (unikać spotykania)_______ him in the street. 6.10. Aunt Jane had no idea what came over her favourite nephew, who had never caused any trouble. (Był wyjątkowo)________________ naughty that afternoon. 6.11. The Government did nothing to improve the situation of 1.(bezdomnych) ___________ . 2.(Nie wprowadził też)____________ any laws to fight organized crime. 6.12. Henry had never experienced family life (zanim spot kał)____________ Jeanette. 6.13. Parents find it difficult to convince their children that (coś tak okropnego jak)_________ spinach can improve their health. 6.14. (Na twoim miejscu) ________ I would have revealed the secret to the press a long time ago. 6.15. 1.(Ja przecież tylko pocałowałem)___________________ her. I did not suggest 2.(żeby wyszła za)________________ me. 6.16. He claimed to be an experienced electrician but he didn't have the faintest idea (jak naprawić) ___________________ a dishwasher. 6.17. Take the back door, since the front room (jest w remoncie)____________ at the moment 6.18. Their new album (brzmi okropnie)__________ . I would not recommend it as a birthday present for my worst enemy 6.19. Roads are so icy and dangerous that (jak tylko dojedziesz do)_________________ home, text me. I want to know you are safe. 6.20. (Nie pozwolono jej przystąpić) ____________ take the exam.

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