
Odpowiedz na pytania do podanych tekstów: Tekst 1 Hello.My name's Pierre and I'm seventeen years old.I live in Paris,France.I have got short straight dark hair and brown eyes.I'm quite tall and slim.I love playing computer games and I can play tennis very well.I like reading too.Please e-mail me today! Tekst 2 Hi! My name is Anna and I am eleven years old.I live in Moscow,Russia.I have got long straight fair hair and green eyes.I'm quite short and I like skiing.I can play the piano quite well.Please be my e-mail pen pal. Tekst 3 Hi! My name's Mario and I'm twenty-six years old.I live in Florence,Italy.I'm tall and well-built with brown,wavy hair and brown eyes.I like playing the guitar and I love dancing.I can speak French too.Hope to hear from zou soon. Pytania do tekstów: 1.Is Mario's hair curly? 2.What can Anna do? 3.What is the last sentence in each advertisement?

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Odpowiedzi: 2

about 14 years ago

anna can play the piano.


Novice Odpowiedzi: 12 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

Yes.Mario's hair are curly


Novice Odpowiedzi: 12 0 people got help

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