
Zapisz Liczebniki liczba i słownie 1.eighty-nine 2.two hundred and twelive 3.seven hundred and sixty-four 4.five thousand six hundred and seventeen 5.fifteen thousand,nine hundred a).23. b).64. c).111. d).542. e).2340. f).11.200. Prosze odp: a)... 3)...

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1 answer

about 14 years ago

1.89(89) 2.200 and 12(212) 3.700 and 64(764) 4.5600 and 17(5617) 5.15000 and 900(15900) a)twenty-three b)sixty-four c)one hundred-eleven d)five hundred-fourty two e)two thousand three hundred-fourty f)eleven thousand two hundred NAPEWNO JEST DOBRZE:)


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