
przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1-5 , wybierając jedną z podanych mozliwość (A,B lub C ),tak aby otrzymac logiczny , spójny i poprawny językowo tekst. przetłumacz go. Dear Matrha Thanks for your last letter. It was nice to here that Jenny____ so well in her exams. COngratulations. You know that I work for the SOS Africa organization? Wll, they know I'm good____ working with children so they sent me to Nambibia last month to teach english in a village school. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that students lean near a huge tree and they ____notes sitting an the ground. Although I can't use CD players or films on DVD , they 're _____ progress really fast. When we have a break, my students _____ me about exotic plants. Tomorrow we're going on a school trip to visit a library in a city nearby. Write to me soon. odp. 1.A-went 2. A-in 3. A-take B- did B- with B- do C- made C-at C- write 4.A-working 5 A- teach B- doing B- learn C- making C- say

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1 answer

about 15 years ago

did, at, made, making, teach


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