
Napisz recenzje filmu Shrek2-(MOZE BYC INNY) po ANGIELSKU w ktorym pierwszym akapicie napiszesz jaki to film,czyli tytul kim jest rezyser, glowne gwiazdy ktore graja w tym filmie w 2 akapicie napisz opis ten film w czasie present simple-czyli w terazniejszym w 3 akapicie napisz swoja opinie czy podobal ci sie czy co w nim jest przekonujacego czy jest smieszny czy nie w 4 czy jest warty obejrzenia

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1 answer

about 15 years ago

CHICAGO Rob Marshall's film version of the jazz age musical takes us right back to an era of high-living, nightclubs, sexual decadence, teetering on the abyss of financial ruin - the 1970s. The original show, with book by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse, premiered on Broadway in 1975 - three years after the release of Bob Fosse's barnstorming movie Cabaret. In fact the whole style of this movie, its staging, its photography and choreography, looks very much as if nothing much has changed in the intervening 30 years. But it isn't exactly Cabaret the film resembles. What this looks like is a sort of grown-up version of Bugsy Malone, that very entertaining but strangely knowing 1976 kiddie-musical by Alan Parker, starring Jodie Foster in the most adult role she's ever had in her life. If you don't believe me, do an image-search on the internet and compare Renée Zellweger in this movie to the youngster Florrie Dugger in Bugsy, playing the goody-two-shoes heroine Blousey. Really very similar, down to the pert blonde 'do and not entirely intentional air of cluelessness. The same tone of naughty-but-nice criminality and low-cal raunchiness prevails throughout Chicago, suitable for the coach parties and weekend-breakers flocking to the current London West End stage revival.


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