
1.Put the verbs in brackets into the past continous ot the past simple. Zad 1. 1.Bill...(make)a cup of coffee when the phone...(ring). 2.Daisy...(fall)over while she...(skate). 3.I...(play) a computer game when the electricity...(go out). 4.Sue...(cook) when she...(burn) her finger. 5.They...(jog) in the park when a dog...(attack) them. 6.The alarm...(go off) while we...(sleep) heavily. Zad 2. What happened to the people? Make sentences. To jest przykład. Tom/study-Sam/call him Tom was studinh when Sam cald him. 2.Liz/sleep- the earthquake/happen ... 3.Samantha/walk/in the park- it/begin to rain. ... 4.Tony/exercise- he/pull/muscle. ... 5.Kelly/drive/car- she/get a flat tyre. ... 6.Paul/chop wood - he/cut/finger. ... Zad 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continous. 1.What...(happen)to Alex? 2.He...(play) football when he...(fall) over and...(break)his leg. 3...(He/go) to hospital? 1.When...(you/see)Tony? 2.While I...(wait) at the bus stop yesterday moring. 1.I...(call) you last night but you...(not/answer? Where were you? 2.I...(exercise) at the gym. 1.What...(your kids/do) when you...(come) home last night? 2.They...(watch) a film on television.

+0 pkt.

1 answer

about 15 years ago

zad.1 1.make-made ring-rang 4.cooked


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