
Complete the sentences so that both sentences mean the same. Use the verbs in brackets. 1.Can you lend me 5$ ?(borrow) Odp: Can I borrow 5$ 2.I'd like to buy that DVD player, but I haven't got enough money. (afford) Odp.I'd like to buy that DvD player...... 3.I borrow 10$ from my dad. (lend) Odp: My dad.... 4.I paid 10$ for my schoolbag. (cost) Odp: My schoolbag...... 5.You should't spend that money. (save) Odp: You ..... 6. I used a credit card to buy those Cds. (pay for) Odp I .......with a credit card. 7. How much did that MP3 player cost? (charge) Odp; How much........for that MP3 player? 8. My brother lent me 20$. (owe) Odp: I.... 20$

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1 answer

about 15 years ago

2)..but I can't afford it. 3)..lend me 10$. 4)...cost 10$. 5)..should save that money. 6)...(did) pay for those CDs.... 7)How much did you charge for... 8) I owe my brother 20$.


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