
Wiem,że jestes w szpitalu.bardzo mi przykro z tego powodu.czy poprawil sie stan Twojego zdrowia?Czy boli Cie twoja zlamana noga? Brakuje nam Ciebie w szkole ,poniewaz zawsze opowiadales ciekawe historie,rozsmieszales nas gdy bylo nam zle i mozna bylo z toba porozmawiac na kazdy temat.Zawszew potrafiles cos doradzic. Od nastepnego tygodnia bedziemy mieli lekcje chemi z innym nauczycielem.Po feriach zimowych bedziemy mieli sprawdzian z angielskiego i polskiego.Na biologie musisz napisac referat na temat Cukrzycy.A z matematyki rozwiazac arkusz maturalny. Kiedy wychodzisz ze szpitala i kiedy wrocisz do szkoly?Bo pewnie czeka cie jeszcze rehabilitacja Zycze Ci szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia. pozdrawiam XYZ

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Odpowiedzi: 2

about 15 years ago

I know you're in a hospital. I feel very sorry for you. Did you get any better? Does your broke leg hurt? We miss you at school, because you used to tell us interesting stories, you made us laugh when we were sad and we could have spoken with you about everything. You were always able to givea good advice. Since the following week we are going to have chemistry lessons with a new teacher. After winter break we are goig to have a test at english and polish lessons. For biology you have to write an essay about diabets. And for maths prepare one maturity exam folder. When will you leave the hospital and come backto school? You are probably going to have some exercises. I wish you fast redcovery. Best regards. XYZ


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 7 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

I know that you are in hospital.Very sorry to hear that cause.Is it improved your health? you. Does it hurt your broken leg? We miss you at school, because they always tell interesting stories, to spread us was when we was bad and you can talk with you on every subject.Always were able to advise something. From next week we had a chemistry lesson with another Teacher.After holidays winter we had a test in English and biology polish.On you write a paper on diabetes.A solve a math worksheet matriculation. When you leave the hospital and when you go back to school? Because you probably still waiting for rehabilitation I wish you a speedy recovery. XYZ


Skillful Odpowiedzi: 122 0 people got help

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