1.Tak podoba im sie ta lekcja widac ze sa zaineresowani oprucz jednej osoby. 2.Nauczyciel powinien byc cierpliwy,uprzejmy.
Odpowiedzi: 3
1.Yes like for them, can see from this lesson are zaineresowani oprucz one person. 2.Teacher should be patient and courteous.
1. Yes, I enjoy that lesson, I see that they are some people/students who are interested in it, instead of one persone. I enjoy mozna zastapic takimi synonimami jak : I like, I'm keen on, I'm fond of. 2. The teacher sholud have be patient and nice/pleasant. tak ps. (bo to sie bardziej przyda) - pisze sie oprÓcz ;)
1. So like for them, can see from this lesson but are interested in one person. 2. Teachers should be patient and courteous.
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