Complete the sentences with words and collocations from the text. TEKST A. How many times have you seen someone on TV or in a crowd and had that nagging feeling that you've seen them somewhere before but can't quite place them ? This seems to be quite a common experience and it raises questions about exactly how we recognise faces. What's going on in our brains when we see a face ? B. Scientists have recently carried out tests on volunteers to find out which areas in the brain are involved in face recognition. The tests must have been a lot of fun to take a part in! The volunteers were shown a photograph of a famous person on computer and then the face gradually changed into another famous person's. For example a picture Marilyn Monroe slowly changed into a picture of the Minister Margaret Thatcher! Obviously, Marilyn's blonde hair become grayer, her nose became sharper and longer, and her creamy complexion developed wrinkles and lines around the mouth. As they watched the person change, sophisticated equipment scanned the volunteers' brains to see which parts of the brain were lighting up. ZADANIE 1. I've got a .... that i've forgotten something! ( TEKST A ) 2. I've heard that song before but I....it ( TEKST A ) 3. Going into a room and then forgetting why you've gone there is quite a.....! ( TEKST A ) 4. Recent incidents at our stadiums.....about the level of violence in football. ( TEKST A ) 5. The new equipment in the computer room is extremely ..... so be careful when you use it! ( TEKST B ) 6. I've .....the letter and it looks as if you've included everything we said. ( TEKST B )
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nagging feeling, can't quite place, common experience, raise questions, sophisticated, scand
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