
przelorzy mi to ktos na angielski w czasie present perfect Ja wiem bywam nieznosna, miewan humory zmienne najpierw powiem, puzniej mysle nieraz juz cierpiales przezemnie ja wiem ciezko mnie zrozumiec uparta jak osol zawsze mam swoje trzy slowa ale obiecuje ze sprubuje sie zmienic zebys nigdy wiecej nie musial zalowac... ja wiem zepsulam tak wiele ilosc klutni na palcach trudno zliczyc ale dzieki tobie nauczylam sie przepraszac dzieki tobie naprawie swoje oblicze ja wiem wazne jest pierwsze wrazenie ja pokazalam tylko sterte swoich wad... a karzde niepotrzebnie wykrzyczane slowo do dzis piecze w oczy jak najbardzej slona lza ja wiem trudno drugi raz zaufac aqle dzekuje ze prubujesz mi wierzyc i zrobie wszystko by udowodnic ze tylko na tobie naprawde mi zalerzy

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Odpowiedzi: 2

about 16 years ago

I know I am troublesome I am having changeable moods occasionally at first I will say, later I thin often you already suffered by me I know heavily to understand me as stubborn as a mule I always have my three words but he promises around will try to change so that never again you must regret... I know I spoilt so a lot on fingers it is hard to sum the number of the quarrel up but for you I learnt to apologise to the thanks thanks to you for repair one's face I know a first impression is important I demonstrated only a pile of my defects... and every unnecessarily wykrzyczane word to today is baking into eyes as the saltiest tear I know with difficulty for the second time to trust but he thanks around you are trying to believe me and I will do everything in order to prove around really I only care about you


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 3 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

I know I visit intolerable miewan whims variables first to say, later on I think often already suffered provided me I know I understand hard Salmon, stubborn as I always have my three words but promises to change sprubuje lest you will never have to regret ... I know I spoiled so much klutni number of fingers is difficult to count but thanks to you I learned to apologize Thanks to you repair your face I know it is important first impression I showed only a pile of its shortcomings ... and karzde unnecessarily shouted word to bake in the eye today as the best value salty tear I know hard to trust a second time aqle thank you with trying I believe and will do anything to prove with only you I really depends


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