napisz zdania o wydarzeniach z terminarza . Użyj czasownika ,,to be " w odpowiedniej formie oraz okreslenia czasu . 1Mum and Dad/the theatre/Wednesday ........................................................................... 2Sara and I/our grandmother's house/weekend ........................................................................... 3I/at my friend's house/ afternoon ........................................................................... 4Leo and Will/on TV/evening ........................................................................... 5I/in bed/night ........................................................................... 6My class/at a concert/morning ...........................................................................
+0 pkt.
1 answer
1. Mum and dad were on the thearte on Wednesday. 2. Sara and I were our grandmother's house at the weekend. 3. I was my friend's house in the evening. 4. I was in bed at night. 5. My class were at the concert at the morning.
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