
Hej ! na jutro mam napisaćo swojej przyjaciółce proszęo przetłumaczneie tego tekstu z góry dzięki odwdziecze się : Moją przyjaciółka jest Ania.Ma 30lat.Mieszka w Krakowie.Przyjaźnimy się od szkoły podstawowej.Ania jest bardzo wesołą dziewczyną.Ma długie blond włosy niebieskie oczy duże usta.Jest szczupłej budowy ciała Ma ciemny kolor skóry.Najczesciej ubiera się na sporotowo.Jest fryzjerką i prowadzi własny salon fryzjerski.jest amtką 2 dzieci córki Oli i Syna Adriana.Ola ma 7lat i chodzi do I kalsy a adrian ma 10lat i uczy sie w 4klasie.Mąż ani ma na imie Jacek są wspaniałą parą.Cieszę się że Ania jest oją przyjaciółką bardzo sięlubimy jesteśmy jak siostry. Z góry dzieki za przetłuamcznie daje 6 :))

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 6

about 16 years ago

Na angielski...?


Intermediate Odpowiedzi: 93 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

My bestfriend is Anna. She is 30 years old. She lives in Cracow. We have been friends since primary school. Anna is very happy girl. She has a long, blond hairs with blue eyes and big mouth. She is tall build. and has a dark complexion. She used to wear a sport clothes. She is a hairdresser and she has runs her own hairdressing salon. She is mother for two children. Her daughter name is Ola and son call Adrian. Ola is 7 years old and attends to the second primary class and Andrian is 10 and he learns in 4th primary class. Anna's husband's name is Jacek ane they are great couple. I'm glad that Anna is my bestfriends because we very like each other and we are like a sisters.


Intermediate Odpowiedzi: 93 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

My friend name is Anna. She is 30 years old. She live in Cracow. We are friends from the primary education. Anna is a very cheerful girl. She has the long blonde hair, blue eyes, big mouth. She is of slim built. A dimwit has the skin colour. She most often dresses casually. She is a hairdresser and he runs an own hairdressing salon. Is mother dwo children, daughter Olki and son Adrian. Ola has seven years and go to one class, a Adrian has teen years and lern in four class. Anna's husband's has name is Jacek, they are wonderful steam. I pleased Ania is my friend, we very much like, and we are as sisters.


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 6 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

tak an ang ktora wersja jest ok? z gory dzieki z ate odwdziecze sie : ocenka


Rookie Odpowiedzi: 21 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

ja bym wybrał tą wyżej ;] (od Lenki)


Expert Odpowiedzi: 959 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

My best friend is Anna. She is 30 years old. She lives in Cracow. We have been friends since primary school. Anna is very happy girl. She has a long, blond hairs with blue eyes and big mouth. She is tall build. and has a dark complexion. She used to wear a sport clothes. She is a hairdresser and she has runs her own hairdressing salon. She is mother for two children. Her daughter name is Ola and son call Adrian. Ola is 7 years old and attends to the second primary class and Andrian is 10 and he learns in 4th primary class. Anna's husband's name is Jacek ane they are great couple. I'm glad that Anna is my best friends because we very like each other and we are like a sisters.


Seasoned Odpowiedzi: 155 0 people got help

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