Past simple regular and irregular Gramatyka A. Susan! You're back. How was it? .....(2) you .....(have) a good time? B. No. It .....(3)(be)awful. A.Why? What happened? B. We .....(4)(stay) in a really boring hotel,and James .....(5)(think) the city was dangerous at night so we .....(6)(not go) out much in the evening. A.What .....(7) you .....(do) during the day?.....(8)you ..... (go) sightseeing? B. Yes,we.....(9)(see)all the famous things,but we .....(10)(spend) a lot of money in restaurants. And James .....(11)(buy) very expensive souvenirs for all his family! I .....(12)(not buy) anything.
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1 answer
Did you have a good time? It was awful. We were staying in a really boring hotel and James thought the city was dangerous at night so we weren't going out much in the evening. What were you doing during the day? Did you go sightseeing? Yes, we saw all the famous things, but we spent a lot of money in restaurants. And James bought very expensive souvenirs... I didn't buy anything.
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