
Angielski: 1)Odmień czasowniki we właściwym czasie: a)What..he...(do)evry Monday? b)Sorry,I...(speak)Spanish. c) often....(rain)in your country? d)This week I...(jog)a lot. e)She..(live)in London last year. f)sally:What are your plan for the weekend? Betty:Mark phoned.We...(go)to the theatre. g)I sometimes...(take)a sandwich to work. h)That skirt...(be)very expensive. i)This year...(live)in this flat but some years ago I..(have)my own house. j) my room? Oh,I..(look for)my book. k)My sister...(not,like)hamburgers.She...(say)that fast foods(be)unhealthy. l)Where...(be)you this time last week? m) the cinema tonight. n)Fanny:I can't open this jar. John:Give it to me.I...(do)it. o)We never...(eat)fish for lunch and we...(eat)eggs too.

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